Friday, March 6, 2009

Another Week

Well it has been a few weeks since our last update. I think that Amber has given up on the whole blog thing so I’ve taken over. I will try and convince her to write again soon. For right now you will have to deal with my side of the story. Everything has been going well at Watson Pharma we are pumping out data like crazy for my project. I have had the opportunity to work on the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) instrument just in case you didn’t know what that meant. The HPLC is a very important instrument in the Chemistry field. Amber has been keeping busy with her job and she enjoys it. I would say more about her job but that is all I get.
Last week we had the great opportunity to spend time with the kids down south. I always enjoy spending time with the kids because I feel like I get to be a kid again. I was able to break in the sandbox for the first of the year with the kids. Last year they kids were trying to trick me into eating the sand and I pretended to eat it and spit it out. This year the kids tried it but I got them this year. I told them to try the sand first and then I would eat it. Avery took a big bite of the sand/water and I couldn’t stop laughing so it was my turn to eat it. I put it in my hand and then threw it out. All of a sudden I hear someone eating sand right behind me and it was Hudson. I made everyone spit it out and we went back to playing in the sand. I always have a great time with the kids.
We came in for dinner and I decided to talk to Avery about Chemistry and just random Science. She is 5 years old and she just kind of looked at me funny when I was explaining the chemical structure of H2O and how the Hydrogen atoms interacted with the Oxygen.
That night I got the opportunity to put Hudson to sleep. Before Hudson goes to bed he is allowed to have one story read to him and Avery gets to listen in. I had the two kids with me while I read them a story. Hudson was flipping thru the pages so fast that I couldn’t keep up with the story so I kind of made it up. Avery caught me making up the story and told me that Hudson also knew that I made it up so I had to read another story.
Well I hope that you enjoyed the entry and thanks to everyone that reads.


LaVene said...

Its good to hear your keeping the blog up to date. Love hearing how the two of you are doing.
Teaching the kids to eat sand---shame!

Jacq said...

Good job Travis! How come Amber is over the blogging thing? I'm just getting started lol.

Travis said...

I think that she has learned that reading is fun. She bought 3 new books and has been reading them every night.